Each scenario encompassed a new set of mitigating actions, using order volume as a metric to trigger when it was time to enact each action sequence However, the retail freefall meant that Tar Heel Direct found itself operating in the worstcase scenario — red — within a matter of weeks Questions both companies considered Worstcasescenario sentence example The worst case scenario – that she died of a tumor – was no longer possible The worst case scenario â€" that she died of a tumor â€" was no longer possible In the worst case scenario of the hypothesis, the model maker is forced just to formulate hypotheses about themIn computer science, best, worst, and average cases of a given algorithm express what the resource usage is at least, at most and on average, respectivelyUsually the resource being considered is running time, ie time complexity, but could also be memory or other resourceBest case is the function which performs the minimum number of steps on input data of n elements
Worst Case Scenario Blog Tour Book Giveaway Two Writing Teachers
Worst case scenario examples